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Sasa Mine continues to award scholarships to mining and geology students at the state university in Shtip

The lead and zinc mine Sasa continues its long-standing collaboration with the Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences within the University ‘Goce Delchev’ in Shtip. As part of the collaboration, this year SASA, through its Foundation for Support of Sustainable Development, offered scholarships to all enrolled first-year students in the academic year 2023/2024 for studies in mining and geology at this faculty. During the official signing of the contracts with the new Sasa scholarship holders, a joint meeting was held with the Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, at which the results of the previous years, as well as the continuation of the future support from Sasa for the students of this higher education institution were discussed. “It is our great pleasure to continue our collaboration with the Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, this scholarship program for the students of this faculty is particularly significant to us. With its implementation, we want to encourage young people to choose to study technical sciences that will ensure a strong foundation for future career development in our industry. At the same time, we hope that this kind of our support will be an additional motivation for young people to build their future here, in their local community and their homeland, instead of going abroad,” said the Sasa Foundation Director Ivica Talevski. In addition to financial support, during their studies, Sasa enables its scholarship holders to get to know the way of work and functioning of a modern and responsible mine. Those who show the best results during their studies will receive additional points when applying for employment at Sasa. “Thanks to the constant innovations and investments in state-of-the-art equipment, technology and practices, the Sasa mine offers excellent opportunities for young people who want to build their professional skills and their career in the industry. Recognising this potential, for us as a higher educational and scientific institution, collaboration with Sasa is particularly significant. Through such collaboration, we enable our students during their studies to get the significant practical knowledge and understand all the important aspects of the profession they have chosen. The particularly significant part of that collaboration is the scholarships provided by Sasa for our students, which help and further motivate them to strive for the best academic achievements in the field,” says Prof. Dr. Gjorgi Dimov – Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences at “Goce Delchev” University.

Нови донации од Фондацијата САСА за локалната заедница

As part of its continuous support to the local community, SASA Mine, through its Foundation for Sustainable Development, recently fulfilled donations in three areas that have been identified as particularly significant for the life and prosperity of the entire community. The first donation a contribution to the environment and consists of different types of deciduous and evergreen trees that will be planted in eight locations throughout the town of Makedonska Kamenica. The selection of the exact locations, the preparation of the terrain and the planting of the trees will be carried out by the teams from the public utility company “Kamena Reka”. This is not the first environmental donation. The SASA mine and the SASA Foundation continuously invest in reforestation on the territory of the Makedonska Kamenica municipality. Also, books were donated that will contribute to the enrichment of the literary fund of the city library “Krste Petkov Misirkov” in Makedonska Kamenica. The latest donation from SASA Mine and SASA Foundation consists of new books that will bring the total literary fund in this library to over 14,000 editions, intended for readers of all ages. The third donation is in the area of protection and affirmation of cultural heritage. For this purpose, SASA Foundation provided new sets of men’s and women’s folk costumes for the members of the cultural and artistic society “Vera Jocic” from Makedonska Kamenica. The SASA mine, through its Foundation, will continue to invest in various areas that are significant for the local community and that improve the quality of people’s lives.

Избрани 24 дела од ликовниот конкурс за детски цртежи за 2023 година

Due to the large number of artworks that were submitted to the competition for children’s drawings related to the operation of the mine and its importance for the family and the community, Sasa Mine decided to double the number of drawings that will be used as New Year’s illustrations. Out of a total of 138 art works that were submitted in this year’s art competition, instead of 12, as previously planned, 24 drawings were selected to be used as illustrations for Sasa’s calendars for 2024. As last year, the other drawings received in the competition will decorate the New Year greetings that will be sent to Sasa Mine’s employees, associates and partners. The artworks selection committee, commented that all the drawings that arrived at this year’s art competition are truly exquisite and beautifully portray the way children experience Sasa mine and the impact of its operation on their families and the community. We sincerely thank all the children who participated in the competition and encourage them to continue developing their talent. This is a second consecutive year that Sasa Mine has run a competition for artworks by children between the ages of 5 and 15 who live in Makedonska Kamenica municipality, as well as Sasa employees’ children. Its main goal is to encourage creativity and talent development among children from the local community.


On the occasion of November 19, declared by the United Nations as the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, the Lead and Zinc Mine SASA, in partnership with the Municipality of Makedonska Kamenica and the Ministry of Interior, is launching a project for raising the public awareness and increasing traffic safety.   The main motive for starting such a project was the increased number of traffic accidents that occurred in the past few years in which residents of Makedonska Kamenica, including employees and family members of SASA employees, were injured or lost their lives. The whole project consists of three components. The first, whose implementation starts today, is an information campaign that will be carried out in the territory of the municipality of Makedonska Kamenica, including SASA Mine. The purpose of the campaign, which is financed by SASA and will take place under the slogan “Open your eyes and be careful! You are not alone in traffic”, is raising public awareness among the local population and SASA employees for increasing traffic safety. The second component is educational and will consist of a series of workshops that will be conducted by employees of the prevention department at SVR-Shtip (Local police department) and will be intended for students in the primary and secondary schools in Makedonska Kamenica, aged 14 to 18, as well as for SASA employees. The purpose of such educational workshops is to familiarize the young residents of the local community with the traffic rules and regulations, the behavior and the measures they should take in order to achieve greater safety for all traffic participants. Within the third part of the project, new technical solutions will be implemented in the area of ​​traffic signalling on the streets and roads in the territory of the municipality of Makedonska Kamenica, which should contribute to increased safety of all traffic participants. For the implementation of this component, the Municipality, in cooperation with competent institutions, will draft an appropriate technical project that should identify critical points and provide adequate solutions for improving the local traffic infrastructure. Worldwide, 1.35 million people die in traffic accidents every year, and more than half of all victims are pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death among children and young people aged 5 to 29 years worldwide. Over the past more than five years, on the territory of the municipality of Makedonska Kamenica, almost two traffic accidents per month and one victim per year are registered on average.

Отворен повик за учество на детски ликовен натпревар 2023 година

This year too, the SASA Mine is announcing a public art competition for children’s drawings with motifs related to the operation of the mine and its significance for people, families and the local community. All children from 5 to 15 years of age who live in the municipality of Makedonska Kamenica, as well as the children of SASA employees who are of that age, are eligible for the competition. Artworks should be submitted no later than November 27, 2023 to the Office for Communication with the Community of SASA Mine (St. Rudarska no. 28, Makedonska Kamenica). SASA employees may submit their children’s work to the Personnel Office. The following information should be written on the back of the drawing: name and surname of the child; name and surname of the parent/guardian; date of birth of the child; residential address and contact telephone number. By submitting their artwork, the child and their parent/guardian automatically give permission for it to be used by SASA. By the end of November, a committee will select the top 12 works of art that committee members believe best represent the SASA mine and its contribution to people and the community. Each winner will be awarded with 3,000 denars. These drawings will be used to create a calendar for the year 2024 that will be intended for the employees and associates of SASA Mine, as well as for other appropriate occasions.     

The new Training Center for SASA employees was opened

Following its strategy of continuous investments in the development of human capital and continuous improvement of the knowledge and skills of employees, SASA Mine opened a new Center for training its employees. The new center is located in the same building with the Office for Communication with the Local Community at 28 “Rudarska” Street in Makedonska Kamenica. The fact that the Center is located in the city, instead of in the mining complex, will allow the employees to get away from their daily work responsibilities and fully concentrate on the topics that will be presented in the framework of the trainings. Modern equipment has been installed in this Center, which makes it possible to carry out different types of lectures and presentations in several languages, by experts from different fields from our country and from abroad. In this way, SASA employees get the opportunity to expand their existing and acquire new knowledge in several areas. In addition to this new Center for employee, which is designed for soft skills development, SASA also has a Training Center in which, according to a certified program, practical professional training is carried out for students and other persons who are not employed by SASA and wish to improve their practical skills in areas which are related to technological processes in SASA.

Donation of books from SASA for the library in Makedonska Kamenica

In honour of the annual celebration of Miners’ Day and the holiday celebrating the town of Makedonska Kamenica, SASA Mine donated over 200 books to the “Krste Petkov Misirkov” library. With this donation, SASA continues to contribute to the further development of the public library. This library offers over 14,000 books for readers of all ages, in the town and surrounding area. The new books donated by SASA were officially handed over on August 15, 2022 by representatives of the SASA management team and the Mayor of Makedonska Kamenica, Dimcho Atanasovski. The library had requested additional educational books and novels for both adults and children. Prior to this event, SASA managers and Mayor Atanasovski discussed the cooperation between the SASA mine and the local government, as well as the opportunities and future projects that will result from this donation. This contribution will enhance the prosperity of the local community. “We are delighted to have the opportunity, in celebration of Miners Day, to meet the Mayor of Makedonska Kamenica and to discuss SASA’s investments in sustainable development. Our cooperation and the realisation of projects are significant for the local community. This was also a good opportunity to hand over the latest donation from SASA to the library. This is another indicator of the strength of the synergy that exists between SASA and the community of Makedonska Kamenica. We as a company will continue to invest in projects in the local community,” SASA General Director Scott Yelland stated.

70 English oak trees planted in honor of the Platinum Jubilee of the British Monarch

Continuing its ongoing activities for the protection of the environment and sustainable development, in honor of the Platinum Jubilee of The Queen Elizabeth II, which marks the 70 years as the British Monarch, SASA Mine donated 70 English Oak trees as a gift to the community. The trees are planted in two locations which were selected by the municipality of Makedonska Kamenica as the most suitable. At the first location, seven English oak trees have been planted near the park “Mladost” and the remaining 63 have been planted in the monastery-tourist complex Elenec in the village Cera. Besides SASA Sustainability Director Ivica Talevski and Gavin Ferrar, Chief Financial Officer of CAML, the British Ambassador H.E. Rachel Galloway and the Mayor of Makedonska Kamenica Dimcho Atanasovski took part in the planting of the new trees that will decorate the central area of Makedonska Kamenica.

New SASA afforestation campaign: 5000 seedlings planted near the mine

Makedonska Kamenica, 07.04.2022 – This year as well, the SASA Mine continues with the realization of the long-term afforestation project. In the latest action carried out on April 5th and 6th, 5.000 new seedlings of indigenous trees were planted on an area of two hectares in the vicinity of the mine. This action was realized in cooperation with PE National Forests and PE Kamena Reka from Makedonska Kamenica. “The program for planned afforestation is one of the long-term projects for environmental protection that we at SASA are happy to implement and invest in. With such activities, in addition to reclamation of the former tailings, afforestation of the surrounding areas as well as renewal and enrichment of the existing forest fund has been performed. This afforestation campaign contributes to landscaping and protection of the land from erosion and reduces the risks of landslides that are common in these areas. At the same time, the further increase of the forest fund contributes to maintaining the high air quality that is one of characteristics of this area, as well as to mitigating the consequences of climate change which is of great importance for the sustainable development of the community that is our long-term goal”, said Ivica Talevski, SASA Sustainability Director. The engagement and investments of SASA in this domain will continue in the future through the realization of its own actions for afforestation, as well as by participating in joint projects with institutions and organizations from the local community.

Five additional scholarships awarded to students of mining, geology and hydraulic engineering

SASA Mine, through its Foundation for Support of Sustainable Development, provided scholarships for an additional five students. Of these, two scholarships are awarded to students of mining and one for a student in the field of geology at the Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences within the University Goce Delchev in Shtip. Two scholarships have been awarded to students of hydraulic engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University St. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje. “We congratulate the new scholarship holders and wish them success during their studies. We hope that this support provided by SASA will help these young people gain the necessary knowledge and high academic achievement in their chosen fields, which will help them develop their professional careers in the future. We are keen to promote diversity in the mining industry so are delighted that four of the five scholarship holders are women,” said Nick Shirley, Director of Sustainability at Central Asia Metals, at the handover of the scholarship agreements that took place today (March 29, 2022) at SASA. In addition to the new five scholarships, SASA currently provides continuous financial support for six students in the fields of mining and environmental protection at the University of Stip.
