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In keeping with Sasa’s annual custom, the, through its Foundation for Support of Sustainable Development, has again presented all children in the kindergarten and primary schools in Makedonska Kamenica and the settlement of Sasa with New Year’s gifts. In addition, a total of 132 socially vulnerable individuals and families received packages of food and hygiene products to help them throughout the festive period.

With this tradition we want to enable all members of our community and of course the youngest to feel the joy of the upcoming holidays. We want to congratulate all our fellow citizens on the upcoming holidays and wish them good health, happiness and much success in the coming year. As always, we must express our gratitude to our dedicated employees who are key in ensuring success for SASA and for all of us, said the sustainability director at SASA Mine, Ivica Talevski.

The Mayor of the Municipality, Dimcho Atanasovski expressed his delight that this year SASA mine continues with the tradition of New Year donation which despite the challenges created by the pandemic, brought joy to children and will help socially vulnerable families to welcome the holidays in a good mood.

-I want to thank SASA for making this possible and once again showing that it is a company that cares and contributes to the well-being of the whole community,” Atanasovski said.

As a sign of gratitude, SASA provided New Year gifts to the emergency medical teams, the fire brigade and the police in Makedonska Kamenica, as well as to the employees of the mine who will be at work on New Year’s Eve. Additionally, all SASA employees, in addition to the regular salary, are rewarded with a New Year’s salary supplement and special gifts.
